
Columbia, South Carolina: 哥伦比亚大学 has partnered with Chandra Cleveland-Jennings of It’s on Me 2 in order to bring the Yellow Flag Project-Flag on Crime to the 哥伦比亚大学 campus. The Yellow Flag Project – Flag On Crime is a program for college campuses to start conversations about safety and awareness of crimes such as sex trafficking, 性勒索, sexual assaults and spiking drinks. Students will be spreading the word about what to do if it happens, ways to be safe to avoid it from happening, and who to call if it happens. It’s on Them 2 to learn ways to protect themselves.

“Highlighting 哥伦比亚大学's focus on 社会正义, the students within the Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism course have been learning to identify the signs of human trafficking within some of the many venues where this takes place, such as hotels and restaurants,”医生说。. Carole Sox, Director of the Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management Program. “As the students learned about this subject, it became apparent that we needed to do more to spread the word about Human Trafficking Awareness and the resources available. Thanks to Chandra Cleveland Jennings, the Flag on Crime program offered us the perfect opportunity to help get the word out.”

This program also coincides with students earning a Social Justice Badge. Digital badges allow job candidates to highlight various competencies: problem solving, 社会正义, 协作, 等. Students will be able to use these digital badges on their resumes or professional social media profiles. Badges are beneficial, because they provide third-party validation of specific skills and competencies a student has earned, helping them effectively compete in a fast-paced and ever-changing job market.

“The 社会正义 badge is attractive at 哥伦比亚大学, because it recognizes that the work our students are doing supports and upholds our institution’s mission as a champion for education, 领导, 以及社会公正,” explains Lauren Fleming, Program Manager for the Center for 领导 and Social Change. “It shows employers and partners in the community the lens through which our students are learning and working in their field. Connecting 社会正义 to hospitality and tourism is a creative, but necessary way to encourage our students to think about how to use their specific interests and major for good in the community.”

哥伦比亚大学 will be the first campus to participate in The Yellow Flag Project – Flags on Crime and as we launch this awareness program, we hope you can join us on either November 14, 2018 or November 16, 2018 from noon – 12:50 as students of 哥伦比亚大学 display yellow flags around the campus and initiate conversations about human trafficking awareness.

关于 IT’S ON ME 2

Chandra’s Program IT’S ON ME 2 safety programs are tailored for little ones, 社区, schools and corporations, because she feels ITS ON YOU 2 to learn ways to keep yourself, family and co-workers safe. You can find out more about ITS ON ME 2 on our website at www.itsonme2.com.
